Wednesday 31 July 2013

Call center of hell

Me calling Work related call center: you estimated waiting time is 49 minutes..

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Far away

Cust.: Hello i don't know how to use this device, could you explain me how to do this that and that?
Me: (realizing that he didn't bought it from me?) Sorry but where did you bought it?
Cust.: At the big super market outside the city, they have a better price then you.
Me: then i guess you should go to ask instruction to who sold it to you.
Cust.: But is so far away!
Me: If it didn't look so far away when you have to buy it why is so far away now?

Saturday 27 July 2013

I forgot i went abroad

Customer enter enraged.
Cust.: I receive such a high bill!!!
Me: may i see the receive?
Cust.: here is it!
Me: Well it say that you made XX€ of international call while abroad.
Cust.: I never went abroad!
I call the customer support and after talking with the girl on the phone that confirm me that the customer made calls from India.
Me: Well i talk with them and they told me you made call from India from 10th to 20th of last month.
Cust.: Ah is true i was in Egypt.. is ok..
Me: Was it so bad you even forgot to be there?
Cust: No it was even a wonderful holiday. thanks you. have a good day.

Friday 26 July 2013

Internet is for Porn

Customer enter with his iPad
Cust.: My money keep getting drained.
Me: Did you activate any service?
Cust.: No no, i barely go online 1 or 2 times a day just to check for news.
After i check online it show up that the customer activate a number of sexual oriented service.
Me: the system show me that you have some service enabled, did you maybe went to some external website that could have open them?
Cust.: no no i didn't went.

I then turn on his ipad, and go on the browser. and the first page it show is a porn website..

Please at least close it...

Oil is magic

Customer enter with an pretty new phone.

Cust.: My phone screen is acting crazy, is all like rainbow
I turn on the phone and see that is indeed like that.
Me: It probably get some water, is a pretty common event in case of water.
Cust.: but it didn't get any water.

I open the back case to remove the batter and check for sign of water and find out the back of the phone still full of oil.

Me: But is full of oil!
Cust.: Yes few days ago my partner misplace it and it fall in the vegetable pot. but it not water!

Thursday 25 July 2013

Trust me i'm a customer

Me: Well after buying such an expensive device you may want to buy some protection for it. the screen is pretty big and more open to breaking.
Cust.: Nooo i'm always soo careful!

1 Day later 1st phone call of the day.

Cust: How much is the price of a new screen?

Wednesday 24 July 2013

I'm the evil master mind

Customer enter visibly upset.

Cust.: My brand new device (less then 1 month) screen is not working.
Me: You see on the screen there are show that is probably a problem of water.
Cust.: It's impossible i always nurture this device like a kid!
Me: Ok if you want i will send it to the repair center, maybe is not a water problem.

The Device go and come back with written: Oxidation inside clearly showing water in the device, Repair not in guarantee

Customer come back

Cust.: Is impossible i always save this phone
Me: You see if inside the device there are clear sign of water contamination, it means that even if you didn't notice some water went over it.
Cust: Who told me that you didn't spill water on it after i left it to you to repair, so it wouldn't go fixed?
1st since i don't spend money or earn money in repairing your device i have no incentives to sabotage your device while i have it with me, and it will just upset you without any advantage for me.
2nd: if you will find any authorized repair center willing to certify that the problem you described before is'n correlated at all with the oxidation of the circuit inside the device (good luck on that) we can talk on that. until then this phone will not be fixed..